Thursday, March 31, 2011

Break Ups

Break ups suck! There's really no other way to say it. But you can deal with it if you're willing to try.
     The first thing to remember is that you shouldn't blame yourself for it. Even IF you did do something wrong, it's a learning experience and if they can't help you through it then one of you is either not ready for a relationship or you're just not right for each other. Most of the time it's the latter.
     Another thing to remember is to not be all over the person every chance you get. That's how you get manipulated and embarrassed. Don't do it. It's ok to still hang out with the person IF YOU'RE COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO. But DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED TO! If they're still around you a lot it can be hard to get over them, whether you want to or not. It's ok to say you need some space to deal and then be friends again. If they can't accept that, they wouldn't be a very good friend anyway.
     Be your own person, re-find yourself. You've just spent a while being half of a whole, the other person being the other half. They're ready to be a whole again or have found a different half. You could easily rebound, but be sure you can handle it. If you're constantly attached to someone you may forget who you are. You may just need to step up and be your own other half for a while. Or let your friends help you fill in the void.
     DO NOT HOOKUP WITH THE PERSON JUST TO FEEL BETTER!!! If you are REALLY back together, not just talking about it, ACTUALLY BACK TOGETHER, then do whatever you're comfortable with. If not, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT HOOKUP WITH THEM! It's nice to get closeness, especially with the person you're most attached to, but it will end up being a regret and hurting way more then it helped. It will just confuse you. If it's years later and you UNDERSTAND what it would mean, then yeah, maybe you could handle a casual hookup. Though they are not necessarily advised in really any circumstance.
    Hang out with friends AND yourself! It's okay to wallow in self pity for a while, but NO MORE than a couple hours to a day depending on how harsh it was. After that, go for a walk or do something that you like that makes you feel good that has nothing to do with that person. Then hang out with your buds! Nothing will make you feel better than your friends or you're hanging with the wrong people.
     What I call CLEANSING! Take anything that was theirs or that reminds you of them and either pitch it, stash it, or give it back to them. If it's something that is yours that reminds you of them, wash it! And if you really want to get rid of stuff, BURN IT! Nothing gets rid of it like fire. It really is very, well- cleansing! Just be careful not to burn your face or your house, or anything else of value. If you burn your face off while burning something that reminds you of the other person, you're likely to never forget them. Same if it burns your house down...
     Keep your self esteem UP! You can read my blog post on self esteem, and I have some other suggestions for what I did to boost my confidence after MY breakup. Write a list of things you LOVE about yourself, and/or things that other people LOVE about you. Fill as many pages as you can! Or take up a new hobby, I think it could make you very interesting to have a new hobby for every ex. And you'd have so much experience and talent! Start a project of some sort, something that you can easily see your progress on and pick up/put down whenever you need to. No, it does not have to be knitting a sweater... Get a pet! This might not work for EVERY breakup, especially if you go through BFs/GFs. A zoo in your house is cool, but not suggested or necessarily good for your love life. Or for your clothes, they might get smelly and even peed on. EW!
     Hope that helps!

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