Monday, February 21, 2011

"How Do You Talk to a Hot Guy Without Flipping Out??"

A friend of mine (we shall call her Turtle here) asked me "How do you talk to a hot guy without flipping out?? I just want to stop rambling in front of drop dead gorgeous guys."
Well, Turtle, here are the basics-
1. Think before you speak! Don't be afraid to talk but make sure there's some sort of filter. The guy might think you're hilarious but awkward, or maybe just the latter, maybe even just the former. Anyways, when he says something, consider what he might think about what you'll say. Start out with stuff that's not super risky. Flirt a little even. Flattery normally works (if they're not super paranoid and freaky). Just don't be cheesy and fake. Mean what you say. Once you get a little more comfortable with him talk more, say more, be a little less shy and if you start knowing him really well just GO BOLD!
2. While thinking about what to say, make sure there are not awkward pauses. If you're talking and he says, "So, Turtle, do you like sports?" or something like that and you take about three minutes, he's going to think you're either a) not enjoying his company, b) really, really slow, or c) not able to converse properly (you're socially awkward and therefore not a viable candidate for the dating process). Process the information you're given, but don't take more than a few seconds. If you can keep up in a conversation (and if he's worth anything) he'll love how smart you are. You don't have to be a genius to talk, you just have to be somewhat creative.
3. Treat him like a friend. Don't be scared to get caught in the friend zone. Some guys will not date someone they consider a friend but some will. And if a guy feels comfortable with you he's more likely to want to date (or just hang out with) you. You shouldn't be scared, if you have to- just pretend he's some friend of yours that you could like but also could just be content staying friends with. Don't put pressure on yourself to make him love you. Love comes with time and an amazing friendship can turn into more or even just be worth more. By the way, just being friends with a guy can lead to meeting more guys which gives you a higher chance of finding a guy worth your time.
4. JUST HAVE FUN! If you have to constantly worry about how you look or talk or what he might be thinking then you either have self confidence issues (see first post) or you're not comfortable with him. If you can't be comfortable with a guy then you cannot be a friend to or date him. Don't ever let yourself get stuck with a guy you are not comfortable with. Your instincts and intuition have a tendancy to be right. When you get the wiggins (yes I just used that word) it means GET OUT OF THERE! Don't think you're being weird or stupid, trust your feelings. If something feels right, go for it; if it feels wrong, get away from it or approach with caution.
A sidenote: Don't let the guy treat you like crap cause he's frikkin hot! No guy has the right to treat you badly. If he's blatantly rude and disrespectful, KICK HIM TO THE CURB! If his teasing bothers you, tell him (once again, you have to be comfortable enough to talk to him or he's not worth it). And if he tells you to get plastic surgery (like a boob job) KICK HIM IN THE FACE! and tell him to get his own damn boob job! Don't ever do something like that for another person. Do things for youself, not for others. People don't decide you, you do.
Hope that helps, Turtle!

Have a question? Need some advice? Post on the blog or email me at
I'm happy to help privately or on the blog, just specify.
Thanks so much for reading!

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